Thank you to everyone who attended the Technical Conversation Session on April 30 at the Italian Australian Club in Morwell.
The session included presentations and a panel discussion from specialists on landform safety and stability, groundwater, water quality and waterways and wetlands.
We had many insightful questions and discussions and will report back on what we heard in our next community update.
ENGIE Hazelwood is committed to continuing to inform the community about the Environment Effects Statement as it progresses. We want to hear your feedback and questions and share as much information as we can about the technical studies.
To receive future event details, please subscribe to our e-news.
Watch the Technical Webinar from May on land stability and safety, groundwater, water quality in a pit lake and managing impacts on waterways and wetlands.
Please note some updates were made to the presentation slides following our May webinar.
Watch the Technical Webinar from 16 November 2023 on mine fire risk, considering climate change, groundwater, ecological values and land and solid waste.